Lifeofem101-part 2


How many people do you think that you’ve had an impact or influence in changing their lives?? How many do you think you should have? Why? What kinda of change is important or makes a difference??

I have heard Christians speaking of have many lives they have saved through salvation and baptism.  I know that the Baptist Church believes that is the most important thing in a person’s life. 

Having been raised Baptist, I do believe that salvation is of greatest importance, but I don’t believe that falls completely on me or any other Christian. Why?? Well God, or as some people put it, My God??? Gives everyone free will. So if He gives everyone free will, how does that responsibility fall on me as a Christian?? It doesn’t!!!!  I can plant any seed, good, bad or even give them an apple, but I can’t determine what decision anyone will make based on free will!!!! However, I believe that doesn’t negate the fact that I should try.  As a Christian I believe I’m charged to do so based on my own salvation. 

So back to my original question, or statement, I believe it is my responsibility or charge to plant the seed.  It’s the next person’s job to water.

Em’s time is done and I believe I can say, she has many, many, many flowers that have bloomed, and dropped more seeds that are blooming!  🩷🌺


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