

Over the past 2 years, I have learned more and more about how amazing Em truly was.  She was so wise at such a young age.  We all can learn how to survive by remembering her.

Em's 25th birthday...

It is my birthday. Honestly didn’t think I’d be ending year 24 in a gym, but I did. Ish. The last hour I spent at home with my cats. || Here’s to another year of growth. Emotionally. Feeling every single bit of everything. Physically. Enduring every single bit of everything. Mentally. Understanding every single bit of everything. One thing I’ve really learned this last year (and definitely will learn this next year) is growing is who we are. Who we’re supposed to be. Everyone and everything changes us. Someone choosing to leave your life and someone being born into it. Your divorce finally being finalized from someone you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with and finally doing another thing to love yourself even more. Growth. Life is all about living, loving and laughing. It’s about molding. It’s about caring. Life is about a lot of things. Life involves the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Embrace everything life serves you. Keep an open mind and be eager to learn. Here’s another cliché, here’s to another trip around the sun. Here’s to growing more within myself. To loving myself more. To giving myself more credit. To always keep an open mind. Here’s to 25! #positivevibes #growth#quarterofacentury #wheresmywalker 


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