God's Plan.....

 Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " 

This bible verse has been on the dashboard of my car for 10 years now.  For the past 2 years I have questioned how can the loss of my child Em be a part of his plans?  This can't be all he has for me?  How can he say that his plans for me are to prosper and not to harm me? To give me a future?  My future were my children?  For her to have children and to watch them grow.  And that is all gone.  So what future do I have?Yes I have my grandsons, but they should have their Aunt Em.  Someone who was overwhelmed knowing she was having a nephew.  Yes he is loved.  But he will never know the true love someone as wonderful as Em.   One who would have taken him on so many adventures.  And not your traditional ones, but ones he would never forget.  All the laughs she would have with him.  And the joy and love he would bring to her.  

Many parent's who have been through tragic accidents with their children and they thank God that he blessed them and allowed their child to live.  So what am I to think?  God didn't show preference on my child?  Why would God show preference over your child than mine?  I prayed God will let Em continue to improve, so when she didn't, am I to think he didn't listen to my prayers, but others who prayed and their child survived, am I to think my prayer wasn't as sincere as their prayers?  Who is gonna answer my questions?  Who's gonna explain to me how my loss is gonna make my faith stronger?  How is that gonna happen? Who's gonna explain to Kase, to Cam, to Luke why their aunt Em is not here with them?

Who's gonna explain to me why she was taken before me.  Why the universe of good and evil decide it's her time?  Yes, I questioned those things.  Why she struggled so hard to find love and when she did, she was snatched away so tragically.  Why we are left with hurt and no answers to why.

I want to know why I have tried so hard to advocate for other patients through emailing our story to news papers and TV and to the legislators,  only to be ignored.  To be told one more time, her life had no value.

If her life had value, where were her advocates?  Where are they today?

Sadly our world that we live in today has become a world of ME.  If it doesn't effect me in a negative way, we have no concern for the matter at hand.  If it doesn't benefit us in a positive or financial way, it is of no value.

I have always said that it doesn't matter Republican or Democrat who is President, I am not in their tax bracket, they have no concern for me.  And many of the current legislators have proven that.

Matters at hand, if it doesn't effect me immediately, it's of no value or no importance.

What we all fail to remember is that we all have a date with death.  None of us know when that will come.

I didn't come from a family of power or one from money.  But we were much wealthier than many of the friends I grew up with.  That was because my mother and father taught me that value came from your word, not how much money you could pay, but if you could keep your word.  They taught us right from wrong and that no matter what the cause, standing up for what was right was more important.

Don and I raised our children with those same beliefs.  We may never have a lot of money, but we have more "value" than many of those who have millions.

"The only thing a poor man has is his word," He told me. "Never Lie"

                                                        Word's the famous golfer's Dad gave his son. Bubba Watson



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