I will Leave the Light on....
I think we all have experienced things we can't explain after a loved ones death. A cardinal, butterfly, cold air in the middle of the summer heat. Whether you believe in spirits or not, we've all experienced unexplainable events.
I am the only person that has been in Em's room. I slept in there occasionally. Directly in front of her bed is a chest of drawers. On top are pictures and an air diffuser that lights up. When I sleep up there the only thing I do is turn her air conditioner and a box fan on. Since cleaning her room almost 6 months ago, nothing has been touched.
Earlier this week when I was leaving for work at about 05:15 in the morning, I noticed a dim light coming from her room. It wasn't the bathroom light or her room light. I didn't have time to go back in to look, but it puzzled me because it has been a couple of weeks since I have been in.
So today I went to see what is was. This diffuser on her chest of drawers was turned on. I pushed the off button and held it for it to turn off. The light was warm indicating it had been on for sometime. I could not get it to turn off until I unplugged.
It's been a difficult week. I just needed to talk with her, see her, hug her. I explained this to a friend this week, You know how it feels when you have been away from your children for a few days and you have the urge that deep and aching, you can't wait to wee them and hug them. For me, and others who have lost children, that feeling never goes away or gets satisfied.
I believe the light was Em's way to tell me her light still shines!!! As they say in the hotel commercial, We'll leave the light on for you.
Love you always Em!!
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