Everything Happens for a Reason
I have believed this for many years. I know the Bible talks a lot of seasons, how to extend your life on earth, and plans he has for us. I use to believe that when it is your time to go it doesn’t matter where you are that it is your destiny. When you go through the loss of a child, you really start to take a deep look inside to figure out what it is you truly believe. I have stated before that I don’t believe it was Em’s time to go. I think that as God gives us all free will, and that many decisions made my nurses, doctors and CNA’s, changed Em’s “destiny” of her last days. Unfortunately, we as a family, have to live with that free will and the consequences of those actions.
It is as Mitch Albom says in one of his books, we are all connected, “there are no random acts..we are all connected..you can no more separate one life from another that you can separate a breeze from the wind...”.
Sadly, sometimes when those lives intersect, bad things happen. But sometimes, good happens.
For Em, thank goodness, most of the time her path crossed with some amazing people. And her life crossed with many people she had a positive influence on.
When she came home from her marriage, life was excruciating for her. Many people don’t even know, what she had endured and how much she struggled to overcome. I’m proud to say that my daughter never gave up. She never gave up on herself, her family and her friends. That’s the person she was. I’m blessed to be called her mother. Mother’s are suppose to take care of their daughter’s and teach them how to live. But, in her death, I can say, she has taught me more in my lifetime than I could ever teach anyone else.
She happened to me for a reason, one that showed me what unconditional love truly means. What living life to the fullest means. She taught me how to give it all you’ve got and how much life is worth living, no matter what hand you are dealt.
We love you Em and will always miss you!
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